Thank you Perfect Wedding Photography

for holding onto our photoshoot package for 6 years.

After 6years we decided to head to 🇹🇼 for the photoshoot.

Was grateful for the team from

風華絕色to still treat us their superb working ethics and professionalism thru out the whole process.

On the photoshoot day was so cold (雪中送炭!)

But thankfully with a helpful and professional team we manage to get thru the whole process happily and hassle free.

Heartfelt thankful to 張晴晴姐姐,林攝影師大哥,小君👍🏻,丸老师,阿貴和安安.

Once again thank you all of them for their hospitality.

Look forward to our next photoshoot with them again!





    * 必填

    1. 下午13:00-18:00晚上18:00-22:00全天All day其他(請在備註欄填寫)
    2. 結婚包套折萬元+諮詢贈二手禮服手工禮服試穿+諮詢方案輕婚紗拍攝專案 9,999元婚紗攝影禮服單租婚禮攝影海外婚紗攝影新娘秘書婚紗側錄全家福照個人寫真孕婦寫真其他(請在備註欄位說明)


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