We met 風華絕色 Selina in Singapore Orchard central 2018.

We just had our pre-wedding shot in Taipei 2020.

Smooth communication & professional staffs.

We like to give our sincere appreciation to photographer 林Sir,

assistant 小君 & make up artist 可樂老師,

晴晴姊 for their patience and outstanding

service to make this wedding shootout a success!





    * 必填

    1. 下午13:00-18:00晚上18:00-22:00全天All day其他(請在備註欄填寫)
    2. 結婚包套折萬元+諮詢贈二手禮服手工禮服試穿+諮詢方案輕婚紗拍攝專案 9,999元婚紗攝影禮服單租婚禮攝影海外婚紗攝影新娘秘書婚紗側錄全家福照個人寫真孕婦寫真其他(請在備註欄位說明)


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