The first day when we reach 風華絕色photography,

we are greeted by their staff Miya.

Miya is very patience in explaining the next day

details to us and even though

we did not reply much because we just touch down from a 4 hours flight.

After that we are being lead to the wedding gown room by 鲔鱼 and 尹祯 to choose.

They gave lots of advice and even choose for us the style we like.

We are very delighted with how friendly they are.

The photoshoot day we are greeted by 杨sir, Kiki and 森林. Awesome team they are.

Kiki make up style really suit us and she is very friendly and patience.

杨sir even went to all the places that we want to go especially the beach area.

We give him a thumbs up! Although he is very demanding but we are delighted when we see the pictures!

森林 is a very very hardworking and friendly guy who will help and do everything that is needed for the photo shoot.

Ultimately without him the photo shoot won’t be able to go smoothly.

Ultimately we love the whole team in 风华绝色. Thanks for the hospitality and we will recommend them to our friends.








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